3-4 year olds
Within the bilingual Nursery class we offer a safe and nurturing environment for the children to explore and become independent thinkers and communicators. The classroom environment acts as our third teacher, and with careful planning and setting up, the children can access literacy and numeracy opportunities as well as developing their social skills.
As long term goals, we support all children to enhance their language and literacy capacities. Students have opportunities to express themselves in “100 Languages of Children”. Every medium (music, visual art and so on) invites the children to consider a new set of challenges in order to successfully express their ideas, thoughts and feelings. As the children interact with each other, building oral language skills, they come to see mark making/writing and reading as valuable communication skills. The programme also helps to build a strong bilingual foundation in children from an early age.
Young children develop familiarity with mathematics, science and technology through their daily interaction with the world. By providing play experiences and observation, we aim to form an important part of child’s ability to develop knowledge and understanding about concepts like numbers, shape, estimation, prediction, sequencing and classifying.
We engage the children by observing them in their play and then responding to what we see, with invitations to join in open-ended experiences. When their interests and prior knowledge are identified, we then take the opportunity to start an inquiry into it. This then gives us the opportunity to discuss what they want to know and where they want to go next with it.