

4-6 years

Through our inquiry approach, Kindergarten children bring their ideas to the learning process and work with the support and guidance of their teachers to seek answers, creatively solve problems and challenge their own thinking. They deepen their understanding of concepts and apply and develop skills and knowledge across all domains of learning as they work cooperatively and collaboratively with others.

Language and literacy learning focus on writing and reading as well as on speaking and listening, and the bilingual inquiry approach provides a strong context for meaningful opportunities to engage with both English and Chinese each day.

Mathematical, scientific and technological learning is embedded in our inquiries as well as being taught to ensure that our children have the skills in place to approach inquiry learning independently.

The Arts provide a conduit through which the children can express themselves, with learning invitations intentionally planned to capitalize on children’s curiosities and enhance their engagement. Specialist teachers support the children in learning the arts. 

The Kindergarten children are also supported in their transition to formal schooling. Teachers assist families to prepare for the various primary school assessments and also help children to adapt to the changes that come from being a member of a larger school community. EtonHouse graduates have been successful in gaining entry into the top international and local schools in Hong Kong.

This page was last edited on July 19, 2016